all postcodes in MK15 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK15 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK15 9AA 2 0 52.062482 -0.722225
MK15 9AB 8 1 52.062768 -0.719831
MK15 9AD 9 0 52.060805 -0.717816
MK15 9AE 16 0 52.057295 -0.74172
MK15 9AF 40 0 52.056814 -0.739604
MK15 9AG 7 0 52.055644 -0.739535
MK15 9AH 10 0 52.057861 -0.739968
MK15 9AJ 8 0 52.057894 -0.740595
MK15 9AL 8 0 52.058618 -0.737657
MK15 9AN 14 0 52.058231 -0.738456
MK15 9AP 16 0 52.057223 -0.734998
MK15 9AQ 12 0 52.057136 -0.739434
MK15 9AR 23 0 52.056649 -0.741038
MK15 9AS 20 0 52.056791 -0.739998
MK15 9AT 12 0 52.059307 -0.73984
MK15 9AU 8 0 52.058574 -0.741115
MK15 9AW 17 0 52.056506 -0.733574
MK15 9AX 57 0 52.057406 -0.738668
MK15 9AY 4 0 52.056104 -0.735496
MK15 9AZ 66 0 52.055408 -0.73852